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Poker Odds Calculator

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January 2024 - February 2024




For all of my life I have loved poker so making this has been a lifelong process in concept. Something that has always been in the back of my mind as something that I would like to do one day. It was completed in chunks over a span of a few weeks and is able to calculate the odds of a player winning a hand of Texas holdem given each players hand after the setup, flop, and turn phases as well as running the game itself.

In the pictures shown with this project is one of the many different steps of development I went through. It shows the recursive function I wrote to replace the giant for loop I had written to get all of the different combinations of cards that have to be simulated. On top of this making my code look better it also gave me approximately a 10% increase in the codes speed when running the massive amount of simulations needed to properly predict the outcome





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